FMO Investment Management BV

FMO Investment Management B.V. (FMO IM) is a 100% subsidiary of FMO. Its purpose is to build and grow investment management services for professional investors. This is part of FMO’s strategic ambition to catalyse commercial investors to emerging markets, thereby increasing its overall impact. FMO IM aims to scale up impact investing by providing investors access to FMO’s deal flow in sustainable emerging markets.

FMO IM has a license as an investment firm and is authorised to execute portfolio management, to receive and transmit orders, and to provide investment advice. FMO IM has its own management board. As sole shareholder of FMO IM, FMO determines the charter and scope within which the company operates, and FMO has approval rights for specific matters. FMO IM has a dedicated Advisory Council (Raad van Advies), which, apart from having a general advisory function and acting as sounding board, advises on conflicts of interest between FMO IM and FMO. Two of the three members of this council are independent.