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Guarantee provisions in the Agreement State-FMO of November 16, 1998

7.1 To determine whether FMO has grounds for invoking the maintenance obligation (the ‘State’s Maintenance Obligation’) as referred to in Article 7.2.1, the losses incurred by FMO as referred to in Article 7.2. Read more about Guarantee provisions in the Agreement State-FMO of November 16, 1998 .


Our impact and financial numbers show positive results in a highly volatile environment. Read more about Homepage .

How we apply our investment process 

Our investment process consists of the following stages. Through case studies we illustrate how ESG risk management is an integral part of this process. Read more about How we apply our investment process  .

How we report

We prepared the sustainability information in this integrated annual report using the GRI Standards 2021 and the principles of the Integrated Reporting Framework. Read more about How we report .

In control statement

FMO has internal risk management and control systems that enable us to take risks and control them and that are based on international best practices. Read more about In control statement .

Independent auditor’s report and assurance report

For the independent auditor's report and assurance report we refer to the PDF version on our website. Read more about Independent auditor’s report and assurance report .

Independent auditor's review report

To: the shareholders and supervisory board of Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V. Read more about Independent auditor's review report .

Independent complaints mechanism

FMO invests in emerging markets and developing economies and aims to create value for the organization, its stakeholders, society, and the environment. Read more about Independent complaints mechanism .

Information about regions

FMO operates in the following four regions: Africa, Asia, Europe & Central Asia, Latin America & the Caribbean. Read more about Information about regions .

Joint Impact Model

Over the years, development finance institutions (DFIs) and multilateral development banks (MDBs) used input-output modeling to estimate indirect impact associated with their investments. Read more about Joint Impact Model .
