
170 results found showing 141 to 150

10 Interest Expense

Interest expense increased due to increases in the reference rates on FMO's variable rate funding portfolio. Read more about 10 Interest Expense .

12 Results from equity investments

Refer to Note 3.3 for details of the movements in results from equity investments. Read more about 12 Results from equity investments .

14 Results from financial transactions

The movement for results from financial transactions can be mainly explained by changes in valuations for derivatives and FX results. Read more about 14 Results from financial transactions .

15 Remuneration for services rendered

Remuneration for managing funds and programs is assessed for market conformity. Related management expenses are included in operating expenses. Read more about 15 Remuneration for services rendered .

16 Tax 

Current income tax receivables amount to €32.0 million (December 31, 2022: €20.9 million). Read more about 16 Tax  .

17 Related parties

FMO considers the Dutch Government, subsidiaries, associated companies, the Management Board (MB) and the Supervisory Board (SB) as related parties. Read more about 17 Related parties .

18 Dividends

At December 2022, the Management Board and the Supervisory Board proposed no dividend (2021: €12.8 million). The proposal was approved during the General Meeting of Shareholders of April 26, 2023. Read more about 18 Dividends .

19 Events after the end of the reporting period

In July 2023 the material outstanding conditions on a new debt fund were satisfied resulting in a US$ 750 million commitment from the anchor investors to the new fund. Read more about 19 Events after the end of the reporting period .
