16 Related parties

FMO considers the Dutch Government, subsidiaries, associated companies, the Management Board and the Supervisory Board as related parties. 

In the first half of 2024 no changes in the composition of the Management Board of FMO have occurred.

We are pleased that the Supervisory Board is once again complete. On April 24, 2024, Eme Essien Lore was officially appointed as the sixth member of the Supervisory Board, having already attended several meetings as an observer since December 2023. Eme serves on the Audit & Risk Committee and the Impact Committee. The appointment took place during the 54th Annual General Meeting of shareholders. At the same meeting, Dugald Agble, Marjolein Demmers and Reintje van Haeringen, all current members of the Supervisory Board, were reappointed for a second term of four years.

In the first half of 2024 there were no transfers from State Funds to FMO.

During the 2024 financial year, FMO took part in the incorporation of a jointly controlled entity (AccessEdu). The objective of the entity is to facilitate the execution of the sale of an equity investment held by FMO expected in the second half of 2024.

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