GRI content index: GRI 1 and 2

FMO reports ‘In Accordance’ with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. In the following table, reference is made to the GRI 1: Foundation 2021 and GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021. For information on GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 refer to the respective reference content index.

GRI content index

Statement of use

Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V. (FMO) has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards for the reporting period 1 January to 31 December 2022

GRI 1 used

GRI 1: Foundation 2021

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021

Disclosure number

Disclosure name


1. The organization and its reporting practices


Organizational details

About this report, How we report - legal entity, At a glance


Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting

Significant accounting policies - Group accounting and consolidation, Stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment


Reporting period, frequency and contact point

How we report - reporting policy, Significant accounting policies - basis of preparation, About this report - How we report, Colophon


Restatements of information

How we report ( if applicable for 2022)


External assurance

How we report - External assurance; Reporting governance, Independent auditor's and assurance report

2. Activities and workers


Activities, value chain and other business relationships

Our value creation model



Performance against our strategy - Employee engagement; Diversity and inclusion, How we report - Employee statistics


Workers who are not employees

Performance against our strategy - Employee engagement

3. Governance


Governance structure and composition

Corporate governance - Governance structure, Report of the SB- Committee activities, Consolidated financial statements - Risk management


Nomination and selection of the highest governance body

Corporate governance - Governance structure & Corporate governance codes, Report of the SB- Committee activities, Consolidated financial statements - Risk management, Independence, conflicts of interest and governance


Chair of the highest governance body

Corporate governance - Governance structure, Report of the SB- Committee activities, Consolidated financial statements - Risk management


Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts

Corporate governance - Governance structure, Report of the SB- Committee activities, Consolidated financial statements - Risk management, Our strategy, Stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment


Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts

Corporate governance - Governance structure, Report of the SB - Committee activities, Our strategy, Our investment process - ESG risk management, Stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment, Consolidated financial statements - Risk management


Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting

How we report - reporting governance, Stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment


Conflicts of interest

Report of the Supervisory Board - Independence, conflicts of interest and governance, Corporate governance - Governance structure, Report of the Supervisory Board - Members of the Supervisory Board, At a glance


Communication of critical concerns

Report of the Supervisory Board, Corporate Governance - governance structure; Risk management framework, Performance against our strategy - ESG risk management; Serious incidents; Independent complaints mechanism; Business integrity, Stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment


Collective knowledge of the highest governance body

Report of the Supervisory Board - Permanent education


Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body

Report of the Supervisory Board - Evaluation


Remuneration policies

Corporate governance - Aligned remuneration policies, Consolidated financial statements - Retirement benefits; Remuneration of the Management Board


Process to determine remuneration

Corporate governance - Aligned remuneration policies, Report of the Supervisory Board - Committee activities, Consolidated financial statements - Remuneration of the Management Board,


Annual total compensation ratio

Corporate governance - Aligned remuneration policies, Consolidated financial statements - Remuneration of the Management Board

4. Strategies, policies and practices


Statement on sustainable development strategy

Letter of the Management Board, Our strategy, Letter of the Supervisory Board


Policy commitments

Our investment process, How we apply our investment process


Embedding policy commitments

Our investment process, How we apply our investment process, Performance against our strategy - Employee engagement, Capacity development


Processes to remediate negative impacts

Our investment process - How we apply our investment process, Performance against our strategy - Independent Complaints Mechanism; ESG risk management; E&S performance gaps in our portfolio; Other key ESG activities; Serious incidents; Capacity development, Business integrity; Employee engagement, Report of the Supervisory Board - Meetings of the Supervisory Board; Committee activities; Culture, including compliance, Stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment


Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns

Performance against our strategy - Employee engagement; Independent complaints mechanism


Compliance with laws and regulations

Performance against our strategy - Business integrity


Membership associations

Corporate Governance - Governance structure, External commitments, Report of the Supervisory Board - Members of the Supervisory Board

5. Stakeholder engagement


Approach to stakeholder engagement

Stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment


Collective bargaining agreements

Employee engagement