Proposals and recommendations to the Annual General Meeting

Having stated all of the above, the Supervisory Board endorses the report of the Management Board. We propose that the AGM adopt the 2022 Financial Statements audited by Ernst & Young Accountants LLP. In accordance with Article 6 (2) of the State-FMO Agreement of November 16, 1998, and the current dividend policy, we propose that the AGM approve the allocation of €1 million profit (2021: €491 million net profit) as follows: €1 million profit to Contractual Reserves and €0.04 million profit to Other Reserves. No dividends are proposed.

The SB will inform its shareholders on the status of the search for a new SB member. 

We trust that the AGM will also discharge the MB for its management of FMO and the Supervisory Board for its supervision during the reporting year.