GRI content index

FMO has chosen for the ‘In Accordance’ option ‘Core’. In the following table, reference is made to the general standard disclosures.

General disclosures





Organizational profile


Disclosure 102-1

Name of the organization

At a glance

Disclosure 102-2

Activities, brands, products, and services

At a glance

Disclosure 102-3

Location of headquarters

At a glance

Disclosure 102-4

Location of operations

At a glance

Disclosure 102-5

Ownership and legal form

How we report - Legal entity

Disclosure 102-6

Markets served

At a glance

Disclosure 102-7

Scale of the organization

At a glance

Disclosure 102-8

Information on employees and other workers

Our performance - Deeper relationships

Disclosure 102-9

Supply chain

Our business model - Investment process

Disclosure 102-10

Signifcant changes to the organization and its supply chain

How we report - Reporting policy

Disclosure 102-11

Precautionary Principle or approach

Our business model - Investment process

Disclosure 102-12

External initiatives

How we report - External assurance

Disclosure 102-13

Membership of associations

How we report - External assurance



Disclosure 102-14

Statement from senior decision-maker

Letter from the Management Board

Disclosure 102-15

Key impacts, risks, and opportunities

External environment, Our strategy, Our performance

Ethics and integrity


Disclosure 102-16

Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior

Our business model

Disclosure 102-17

Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics

Our business model



Disclosure 102-18

Governance structure

Corporate governance - Governance structure

Disclosure 102-19

Delegating authority

Corporate governance - Governance structure

Disclosure 102-20

Executive-level responsibility for economic, environmental, and social topics

Corporate governance - Governance structure

Disclosure 102-21

Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental, and social topics

External environment - Stakeholders and material topics

Disclosure 102-22

Composition of the highest governance body and its committees

Corporate governance - Governance structure

Disclosure 102-23

Chair of the highest governance body

Corporate governance - Governance structure

Disclosure 102-24

Nominating and selecting the highest governance body

Corporate governance - Governance structure

Disclosure 102-25

Conflicts of interest

Report of the Supervisory Board - Corporate governance

Disclosure 102-26

Role of highest governance body in setting purpose, values, and strategy

Corporate governance - Governance structure

Disclosure 102-27

Collective knowledge of highest governance body

Report of the Supervisory Board - Corporate governance

Disclosure 102-28

Evaluating the highest governance body’s performance

Report of the Supervisory Board - Corporate governance

Disclosure 102-29

Identifying and managing economic, environmental, and social impacts

Corporate governance - Governance structure, External environment

Disclosure 102-30

Effectiveness of risk management processes

Corporate governance - Risk management framework

Disclosure 102-31

Review of economic, environmental, and social topics

Report of the Supervisory Board - Corporate governance

Disclosure 102-32

Highest governance body’s role in sustainability reporting

In control statement

Disclosure 102-33

Communicating critical concerns

Our business model

Disclosure 102-34

Nature and total number of critical concerns

Our performance - Deeper relationships, Risk Management

Disclosure 102-35

Remuneration policies

Notes to the Annual Accounts

Disclosure 102-36

Process for determining remuneration

Corporate governance - Aligned remuneration policies

Disclosure 102-37

Stakeholders’ involvement in remuneration

Corporate governance - Aligned remuneration policies

Disclosure 102-38

Annual total compensation ratio

Corporate governance - Aligned remuneration policies

Disclosure 102-39

Percentage increase in annual total compensation ratio

Corporate governance - Aligned remuneration policies

Stakeholder engagement


Disclosure 102-40

List of stakeholder groups

External environment - Stakeholders and material topics

Disclosure 102-41

Collective bargaining agreements

Our performance - Deeper relationships

Disclosure 102-42

Identifying and selecting stakeholders

How we report - Standards and reporting guidelines

Disclosure 102-43

Approach to stakeholder engagement

How we report - Standards and reporting guidelines

Disclosure 102-44

Key topics and concerns raised

External environment - Stakeholders and material topics

Reporting practice


Disclosure 102-45

Entities included in the consolidated financial statements

Notes to the Annual Accounts

Disclosure 102-46

Defining report content and topic Boundaries

annex Glossary of terms

Disclosure 102-47

List of material topics

External environment - Stakeholders and material topics

Disclosure 102-48

Restatements of information

How we report - Reporting policy

Disclosure 102-49

Changes in reporting

How we report - Reporting policy

Disclosure 102-50

Reporting period

How we report - Reporting policy

Disclosure 102-51

Date of most recent report

How we report - Reporting policy

Disclosure 102-52

Reporting cycle

How we report - Reporting policy

Disclosure 102-53

Contact point for questions regarding the report


Disclosure 102-54

Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards

How we report - Standards and reporting guidelines

Disclosure 102-55

GRI content index

annex GRI content index

Disclosure 102-56

External assurance

How we report - External assurance

In the following table, reference is made to the specific standard disclosures.

Material aspects


Disclosures management approach (DMA)


Development impact (Indirect economic impacts)


FMO’s strategy towards 2025 is becoming ‘your preferred partner to invest in local prosperity’. We contribute to decent work and economic growth (SDG8), reducing inequalities (SDG10), climate action (SDG13), while continuing our journey to double the number of supported jobs and the expected amount of GHG avoided. FMO has chosen for targets that drive these goals, being the amount of new commitments (including catalyzed funds), transactions reducing inequalities and actively sourced green investments.
Our business model

We committed EUR 3.1 billion, supported 900,000 jobs and avoided 1,600,000 tons of GHG emissions. 42% of our commitments were green and 41 transactions reduced inequalities. We measured these impacts using our Impact Model and capturing data in Impact Cards.
Investing in local prosperity, FMO impact model

Financial sustainability and risk appetite of FMO ( Economic performance)


To continuously be able to support our business our AAA credit rating, return on shareholders’ equity and Core Equity Tier-1 ratio are important. These financial targets are defined and managed by performing due diligence on possible investments and managing our Risk Appetite within our Risk Management Framework (see notes to our Annual Accounts).
Our investment process

FMO’s financial and risk management are carefully set up and controls are implemented and functioning continuously (see explanatory notes to the Annual Accounts). This applies to processes, procedures and product systems, and financial systems. The RoE was 9.1% and the CET-1 ratio 24.9%.
Financial performance

Additionality of FMO’s activities (Indirect economic impacts)


As a development bank we seek additionality in financing products and services which the market does not provide, or not on an adequate scale or reasonable terms. We also provide ESG inputs that other parties do not provide by offering value-added services or unique expertise in ESG standard-setting or green or inclusive investments. Deal teams assess additionality on these aspects during due diligence and monitoring and register this on scorecards.
Our investment process

Of the approved investments in 2017 60% was financially additional and 40% both financially and ESG additional (see 2.5.2).
Our business model

Client satisfaction (Product and Service labeling)


We aim to realize positive impact in terms of economic growth, social progress and environmental sustainability with our clients. We build and maintain relations via sourcing through deep-rooted networks, due diligence screening and advice on improvements, monitoring of progress, support with assistance. We aim to be additional, support ESG actions, provide innovative products, Capacity Development and our knowledge and networks, e.g. in conferences. We support Dutch corporates investing in and trading with emerging markets.
Our business model

In November 2015 an external independent survey was performed on general satisfaction and specifically on our qualities, added value, loyalty, capacity development, knowledge transfer and our extensive network. This bi-annual survey scored 8.6 out of 10 (2012: 8.3). A new survey is performed in 2018. See paragraph ‘Outlook’.

Transparency of FMO’s activities (Human Rights Grievance Mechanisms/
Environmental Grievance Mechanisms)


Our stakeholders demand increased transparency and accountability, especially with regard to environmental and social aspects. We have revised our Sustainability Policy and invested in extended and intensified stakeholder engagement. We disclose all contracted investments and implemented disclosure before contracting for investments with high ESG risk. FMO also has an Independent Complaints Mechanism.
Investing in local prosperity

FMO’s Independent Complaint Mechanism received no admissible complaints in 2017.
Independent complaints mechanism

Enable impact investing (FMO own developed aspect)

FMO specific

Stakeholders ask us to behave as market makers, building investment opportunities with impact and risk profiles that meet their needs. We try to bundle public and private resources in our projects.
Our business model

We undertake efforts for blending public and private capital, for example in government funds, FIM and through syndications. In 2017 we catalyzed EUR 1,111 million.
Being the preferred partner

Inclusive development (FMO own developed aspect)

FMO specific

Stakeholders indicate the importance of, among other things, supporting economic growth, decent job creation, reducing inequality and climate action. FMO works with clients who are directly serving people at the Bottom of the Pyramid and improving gender equality. We select and screen these clients in our investment process.
Our investment process

Our deal teams register results on impact indicators in the Impact Cards. Results on the supported smallholders, connections to electricity grids and Micro and SME loans are described in paragraph ‘Performance’.
Investing in local prosperity

Indirect environmental footprint (Emissions)


Stakeholders indicate the importance of combating climate change. We aim to halve our environmental footprint by doubling the expected amount of GHG avoided via green investments. Green investments are primarily transactions in renewable energy and energy efficiency. We select and screen these transactions in our investment process.
Our investment process

We use our Impact Model to measure GHG emissions avoided in our investments. In 2017 our investments enabled the avoidance of 1,600,000 tons of GHG. For the governance and methodology of our Impact Model see paragraph ‘How we report’.
FMO impact model

Innovations and knowledge management at FMO (FMO own developed aspect)

FMO specific

A key input for success is knowledge (technical, financial and otherwise) from our employees, clients, other DFIs or knowledge partners. Knowledge is important intellectual capital and we transfer best-practice knowledge to our clients also: in our Capacity Development program we provide technical assistance to clients.
Our business model

Part of the added value to our clients is our technical assistance or Capacity Development. In 2107 we supported 73 clients with knowledge on issues important to them.
Being the preferred partner

ESG risk management (Product Portfolio: sector specific)

interactions with clients / investees / business partners regarding environmental and social risks and opportunities (former FS5)

Following international standards and setting ESG requirements for clients will ensure compliance with regulations and contribute to the realization of SDGs. We assess projects on ESG effects benchmarked against IFC Performance Standards during due diligences and monitoring phases. If needed, we agree on action plans and support our clients with technical assistance.
Our investment process

The agreed upon ESG action plans must ensure compliance within set timeframes. 90% of actions due in a certain year must be implemented. When deadlines for action items are postponed, approval from Credit Risk Management (second line of defense) needs to be obtained. In 2017 89% of the ESG actions due were implemented.
Investing in local prosperity

Support Dutch companies (FMO own developed aspect)

FMO specific

Value for the Netherlands: FMO has taken steps to play a central role in assisting Dutch companies with investments abroad through its subsidiary NEDLINX B.V. In these activities, FMO will uphold its approach to being additional to the market and preventing competition with commercial financiers.
Our approach

We have taken concrete steps to support Dutch businesses with willingness to invest in developing countries and emerging markets.
We closed a total of EUR 84 million new commitments that involved Dutch companies. The NL Business department built up a broad pipeline of export finance transactions.
Being the preferred partner