Standards and reporting guidelines

This report complies with the financial reporting requirements included in Title 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code, where applicable. The report by the Management Board complies with section 2:391 of the Dutch civil code. We have used the Integrated Reporting Framework to describe how we create value for our stakeholders. We have prepared the information disclosed in this report using the GRI Standards 2021 and have chosen to report using the 'in accordance' option. 

The Management Board Report consists of chapters 'At a glance', 'Letter from the Management Board', 'Report of the Supervisory Board', 'Corporate governance', 'Risk management', 'Materiality assessment and stakeholder engagement', and 'How we report'. Please refer to the separate GRI content index on our website for a detailed overview of all GRI disclosures.  

The European Parliament has adopted an EU directive that requires eligible organizations and all banks to disclose non-financial and diversity information. We have incorporated this directive into this report. Please refer to the NFRD-index table on the website to find the relevant information.  

We have been reporting in line with the TCFD recommendations since 2019, disclosing climate-related risks and opportunities for FMO, as well as our work to embed climate-related risks within FMO’s risk framework. Please refer to the latest TCFD report available on our website for more information.

In 2020, FMO became a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB). The PRB set out the banking industry’s role and responsibility in shaping a sustainable future and aligning the banking sector with the objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. Signatory banks are required to report no later than 18 months after becoming a signatory to the Principles, and annually thereafter. Please refer to FMO’s third annual PRB report included at the end of this document. 

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