Notes to the company statement of financial position
The company financial statements of FMO should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements including the risk management information, segment information and the notes to the consolidated financial statements. The FMO company financial statements are, due to the limited investments activities of our consolidated subsidiaries almost the same as the consolidated financial statements. Therefore, for notes of specific items of the statement of financial position and the statement of profit or loss, we refer to the consolidated financial statements to the extent these are not specifically disclosed hereafter.
For information related to the maturity of the assets and liabilities recorded in the statement of financial position of the company financial statements, we refer to the table with the categorization of principal cash flow per maturity bucket in the section 'Liquidity risk' of the 'Risk management' chapter.
A. Banks
2023 |
2022 |
Banks |
43,280 |
21,089 |
Balance at December 31 |
43,280 |
21,089 |
The cash on bank accounts can be freely disposed of.
B. Other Receivables
2023 |
2022 |
Receivables related to equity disposals |
20,563 |
6,826 |
Taxes and social premiums |
659 |
452 |
To be declared on State guaranteed loans |
18 |
1,081 |
Transaction fee receivables and prepayments |
11,731 |
8,185 |
Intercompany receivables from subsidiaries |
6,767 |
6,687 |
Balance at December 31 |
39,738 |
23,231 |
C. Equity investments
Equity measured at FVOCI |
Equity measured at FVPL |
Balance at January 1, 2023 |
150,733 |
1,942,125 |
2,092,858 |
Purchases and contributions |
- |
321,066 |
321,066 |
Reclassification from loans |
- |
1,879 |
1,879 |
Reclassification associate/FVPL |
- |
- |
- |
Sales |
- |
-224,192 |
-224,192 |
Changes in fair value |
16,341 |
-7,575 |
8,766 |
Other changes |
- |
- |
- |
Balance at December 31, 2023 |
167,074 |
2,033,303 |
2,200,377 |
Equity measured at FVOCI |
Equity measured at FVPL |
Balance at January 1, 2022 |
140,425 |
1,862,403 |
2,002,828 |
Purchases and contributions |
- |
261,314 |
261,314 |
Reclassification from loans |
- |
938 |
938 |
Reclassification associate/FVPL |
- |
-18,924 |
-18,924 |
Sales |
- |
-104,819 |
-104,819 |
Changes in fair value |
10,308 |
620 |
10,928 |
Other changes |
- |
-59,407 |
-59,407 |
Balance at December 31, 2022 |
150,733 |
1,942,125 |
2,092,858 |
Other changes relate to the reclassification of FMO's Ventures Program (refer to section 'Group accounting and consolidation' in the 'Accounting policies' chapter).
D. Other financial assets
Other financial assets reflect FMO's investment in FMO's Ventures Program. The Program is a structured entity and is a co-investment between FMO, the Dutch Government and the European Commission. FMO has not inserted any share capital in the program and invests cash when purchasing underlying assets.
Amounts attributable to FMO are based on a predefined value sharing waterfall that utilizes the values of the underlying equity investments in FMO's Ventures Program and are carried at FVPL. The underlying investments in the program are valued using the existing equity investment fair valuation techniques described in the fair value. The waterfall calculation defines the timing and amount of distributions to the various co-investors.
2023 |
2022 |
Balance at January 1 |
91,484 |
- |
Purchases and contributions |
9,772 |
12,820 |
Return of Capital (including sales) |
-311 |
-173 |
Changes in fair value |
-13,178 |
19,430 |
Other changes |
- |
59,407 |
Balance at December 31 |
87,767 |
91,484 |
Other changes relate to the reclassification of FMO's Ventures Program (refer to section 'Group accounting and consolidation' in the 'Accounting policies' chapter).
E. Subsidiaries
2023 |
2022 |
Balance at January 1 |
14,771 |
13,876 |
Purchases and contributions |
- |
- |
Share in other comprehensive income |
- |
- |
Share in net results |
-3,657 |
894 |
Return of capital |
- |
1 |
Balance at December 31 |
11,114 |
14,771 |
The investments in subsidiaries consist of the following interests in the share capital of:
Asia Participations B.V.: 100 percent;
FMO Investment Management B.V.: 100 percent;
FMO Representative Office LAC Limitada: 100 percent;
Equis DFI Feeder L.P.: 63 percent.
FMO Ventures Program is a structured entity and is a co-investment between FMO, the Dutch Government and the European Commission
The following table summarizes the carrying amount of the subsidiaries.
2023 |
2022 |
Asia Participations B.V. |
5,179 |
8,940 |
FMO Investment Management B.V. |
6,081 |
5,917 |
Costa Rica |
-119 |
-121 |
Equis DFI Feeder L.P. |
-27 |
35 |
Balance at December 31 |
11,114 |
14,771 |
F. Shareholders’ equity
Share capital
The authorized capital amounts to €45,380k, consisting of A shares of €22.69 each, which are held by the Dutch Government, and B shares of €22.69 each, which are for held by commercial banks and private investors. The Dutch Government holds 51 percent of the total shares of FMO, while commercial banks and private investors hold the remaining 49 percent . The voting rights for A shares and B shares are equal.
Authorized share capital |
2023 |
2022 |
1,020,000 A shares x €22.69 |
23,144 |
23,144 |
980,000 B shares x €22.69 |
22,236 |
22,236 |
Balance at December 31 |
45,380 |
45,380 |
In addition, the shareholders' equity of the company comprises three reserves, in line with the Agreement State-FMO of November 16, 1998. These are the share premium reserve, the development fund and the contractual reserve. As long as the company continues its activities, these reserves are not available to the shareholders. Upon liquidation of FMO these reserves fall to the Dutch Government, after settlement of the contractual return to the shareholders.
Issued and paid-up share capital |
2023 |
2022 |
204,000 A shares x €22.69 |
4,629 |
4,629 |
196,000 B shares x €22.69 |
4,447 |
4,447 |
Balance at December 31 |
9,076 |
9,076 |
Share premium reserve
Share premium reserve is sole contributed by Shareholders of A shares on the transfer to the company of investments administrated on behalf of the State at the time of the financial restructuring and amounts to €29,272k (2022: €29,272k).
2023 |
2022 |
Share premium reserve shareholder A, contributed on the transfer to the company of investments administered on behalf of the State on the financial restructuring |
8,061 |
8,061 |
Share premium reserve shareholder B, contributed on the transfer to the company of investments administered on behalf of the State on the financial restructuring |
21,211 |
21,211 |
Balance at December 31 |
29,272 |
29,272 |
Statutory reserves
Development fund
This special purpose reserve contains the annual budgetary allocations made by the Dutch Government to finance the portfolio of loans and equity investments.
Other contractual reserve
The addition relates to that part of the net result, which FMO is obliged to reserve under the Agreement State-FMO of November 16, 1998 (see section ‘Additional information’).
Legal reserves
Legal reserves include the fair value, other revaluation, and translation reserves.
2023 |
2022 |
Fair value reserve |
65,208 |
38,559 |
Other revaluation reserve |
1,171,620 |
999,077 |
Translation reserve |
8,092 |
17,544 |
Total legal reserves |
1,244,920 |
1,055,180 |
Fair value reserve
The fair value reserve is the part of the revaluation reserve and includes gains and losses of equity investment measured at FVOCI. Gains and losses on such equity investments are never reclassified to profit or loss. Cumulative gains and losses recognized in this reserve are transferred to other reserves on disposal of the investment.
Other revaluation reserve
The Other revaluation reserve (as a part of the total contractual reserve) includes unrealized gains related to financial assets measured at FVPL. The revaluation reserve in the company financial statements follows from differences in presentation requirements between IFRS and Part 9 of the Dutch Civil Code. This revaluation reserve has been created against the other reserves. At the same time, a same amount is added to the Other reserves and compensated by the contractual reserve.
The Other revaluation reserve includes the unrealized fair value gains of our equity investments, loans to the private sector at FVPL, derivatives for which the valuations are not determined based on quoted market prices and the internally developed software.
2023 |
2022 |
Equity investment FVPL |
1,009,272 |
843,208 |
Loans to private sector FVPL |
28,313 |
12,337 |
Derivatives other than hedge accounting instruments |
120,384 |
133,166 |
Legal reserve internally developed software |
13,651 |
10,366 |
Total other revaluation reserve |
1,171,620 |
999,077 |
Translation reserve
The assets, liabilities, income and expenses of foreign subsidiaries and associates are translated using the closing and weighted average exchange rates. Differences resulting from the translation are recognized in the translation reserve.
At December 31, 2023 the translation reserve (as a part of the legal reserve) has a balance of €8.092k (2022: €17.544k).
Other reserves
Pursuant to Dutch reporting requirements in Part 9 of Book 2 the Dutch Civil Code, the table reflects the other reserves included in the total Shareholders' equity. According to the Support Agreement with the Dutch Government, FMO allocates the net results after dividend pay-out to the contractual reserve. The contractual reserve is a statutory reserve, against which no legal reserves can be created. The Other revaluation reserve is recorded through Other reserves. At the same time Other reserves are compensated via the contractual reserve.
2023 |
2022 |
Actuarial gain/loss on defined benefit plans |
-9,670 |
-6,533 |
Retained earnings |
28,850 |
43,338 |
Total other reserves |
19,180 |
36,805 |
Changes in Shareholders' equity
The table below presents changes in Shareholders' equity for line items that are only relevant to the company-only equity. Remaining line items are reflected in the FMO's consolidated financial statements.
Legal reserve - Other revaluation reserve |
Other reserves |
Balance at January 1, 2022 |
740,055 |
35,905 |
Actuarial gains/(loss) on defined benefit plans net of tax¹ |
- |
900 |
Addition/(release) to other reserves |
- |
- |
Addition/(release) to other revaluation reserve |
259,022 |
-259,022 |
Addition/(release) from contractual reserve |
- |
259,022 |
Balance at December 31, 2022 |
999,077 |
36,805 |
Actuarial (gain)/(loss) on defined benefit plans net of tax |
- |
-3,137 |
Addition/(release) to other reserves |
- |
-14,488 |
Addition/(release) to other revaluation reserve |
172,543 |
-172,543 |
Addition/(release) from contractual reserve |
- |
172,543 |
Balance at December 31, 2023 |
1,171,620 |
19,180 |
This item refers to line item Actuarial result pension in the consolidated statement of changes in Shareholders' equity.
G. Result of financial transactions
2023 |
2022 |
Gains/(losses) on remeasurement of on valuation of hedged items |
-138,699 |
341,896 |
Gains/(losses) on remeasurement of hedging instruments |
134,237 |
-339,323 |
Result on hedge accounting |
-4,462 |
2,573 |
Result on sale and valuation of treasury derivatives not under hedge accounting |
-23,096 |
42,768 |
Result on sale and valuation of derivatives related to asset portfolio |
2,933 |
-3,989 |
Result on sale and valuation of loans at FVPL |
14,662 |
-32,706 |
Result on financial instruments mandatory at FVPL |
-5,501 |
6,073 |
Foreign exchange results loans at FVPL |
-15,705 |
-29,522 |
Foreign exchange results Derivatives |
57,500 |
-165,603 |
Foreign exchange results on other financial assets/liabilities |
-35,500 |
196,707 |
Foreign exchange results |
6,295 |
1,582 |
Other financial results |
56 |
159 |
Other changes |
-25,679 |
19,430 |
Total result from financial transactions |
-29,291 |
29,817 |
Other changes relate to consolidation of FMO's Ventures Program (refer to section Group accounting and consolidation in the accounting policies chapter).
Proposal for appropriation of the net result
A company net profit of €64.9 million is recorded in 2023. Under the Agreement State-FMO of November 16, 1998, FMO is required to add €62.8 million to the contractual reserve. Therefore the 2023 profit is not completely distributable. The distributable element of the net profit amounts to €2.1 million (2022: €0.04 million). The Management Board and the Supervisory Board propose distributing a sum of €2.1 million as cash dividend equaling €5.38 per A and B share. This proposal for dividend distribution can be withdrawn if FMO's economical and financial conditions deteriorate significantly in the period up to the moment of distribution of the dividend. This reservation is the result of the recommendation of the European Central Bank and adopted by the Dutch Central Bank.